
Dale - May 2009

Friday, May 27, 2011

Secrets of Exercise

TYPES OF EXERCISE: There are many kinds of exercise. Exercise can be static, dynamic, stress producing, stress reducing or making one flexible. All exercises have a range of mild to extreme.

An exercise can burn calories and induce certain types of emotions - ultimately causing the rib cage to rise with head straight and shoulders automatically aligned. Exercise causes a certain rhythm of breathing. As blood is moved to the upper body including the brain due to exercise, the body starts working efficiently.

MOST IMPORTANT EFFECT OF THE EXERCISE: It is the final result of exercise that is necessary and most desirable for health - and this final result is the effect on posture of an individual. This posture of body in standing, sitting sleeping, walking and movement throughout the day is most important. Exercise corrects the problems of the posture and the person starts to sit, stand and move differently.

ANALYSIS: When analyzed, we notice that the slim people walk, stand and sit in a certain way. They may or may not eat differently from others. Similarly, the obese people follow a similar pattern.

EFFECTS OF GRAVITY: What has been completely missed here is the effect of gravity on various organs of the body. As we age, our posture sufferes aswe slump due to gravity and this causes some part of body within the abdominal area to press other parts. On top of that the muscles, tendons etc. that are supposed to hold the body's organs in a certain position lose elasticity and they sag and sit crooked putting more pressure on other organs and causing undue stresses on some muscles that are holding these organs firmly in place. This causes pains and other symptoms within the body associated with these muscles and organs. Gravity is the most common issue that we seem to ignore completely. This is also the reason why we get astigmatism or the lazy eye syndrome.

THE LAW OF THE OPPOSITES: As this is a very involved topic, I may provide some hints on this in the near future.

EXERCISE AND FOOD: Try exercising after a heavy meal and you will notice it almost impossible, especially the stretching exercises. When the stomach is empty, then these exercises are very easy to do.

It is, therefore, very important to understand that all exercise should be done when the stomach is empty. When the stomach is full, then the most important thing to do is to do very light stretching that will aid the digestion and help improve the efficiency of the stomach and intestines. Walking after eating or any other time helps the digestion, therefore it has been a favorite of all exercise systems.

DIET: I have not covered any guidelines for diet or liquids as they form the chemical aspect of our health and are equally important. This does not mean that we go on a diet but more importantly we must form new habits of eating and drinking at certain times. These will be the subjects for the future.

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